JUST DUTCH | ジャストダッチ


JUST DUTCH社の編みぐるみは、世界中の子供たちの 想像力が豊かになるようにという想いのもと、すべての 商品がハンドメイドで丁寧に編まれた一点ものです。 洋服を着せ替えたり、キャラクタ―たちと一緒に遊ぶこ とで子供たちの感性を磨きます。もちろんお子様だけ でなく、大人から子供まで幅広く楽しめます。 また、ベトナムでハンディキャップを持った方々の手に よってひとつひとつ手編みで作られています。 


Hello Miffy, Melanie and Boris, what are you wearing?

These handmade dolls and their different outfits challenge children to explore the world in a playful manner.
By immersing themselves in different roles and characters, the children’s development is stimulated.
By purchasing these Dutch Designs, you help a group of disadvantaged women in Vietnam find work and a stable income.
It takes a few hours to create a Miffy Handmade, including crocheting and assembling.
The time to make a garment depends upon the amount of embroidery, which is why some garments are more expensive than others.
There’s a lot more work involved than just the crocheting however such as buying the yarn, thorough logistics planning and coordinating transport.
But the fact that Miffy Handmade is creating jobs and making a good income for an increasing number of underprivileged people makes the product all the more special.